A Degen's guide to Zenon Network

Disclaimer: Nothing in this website should be considered financial advice.

What is Zenon Network?

Zenon Network is a “self-evolving planetary-scale digital ecosystem powered by a worldwide community of contributors. Its fundamentally disruptive protocol goes beyond the blockchain trilemma. Zenon proposes a blockchain that is secure, scalable, and achieves true decentralization”.

Essential Information

We are looking for contributors, developers, and speculators to join the community. But before you do, always remember 👇 Crypto Publius Zenon Riddle

The 14-Pillar Passage to Zenon Enlightenment

Henry David Thoreau once wrote: “It’s not what you look at, it’s what you see.” Looking at Zenon, I don’t see a remote resemblance to anything else in the crypto space. It’s totally alien. Definitely not an alt or sh*tcoin. It’s like Bitcoin, but a separate entity and in its atomic era. It’s a mystery inside a riddle that’s been wrapped on the enigma blockchain. It’s a blind painter’s masterpiece. It’s the inevitable crash-landing of alien tech.

What do you see?


Introduction Video

Watch this 👉 Zenon Introduction Video. It will give you a high level outline of the project and its goals.

Step 1: The Green Pill


Zenon Network is a new layer-1 cryptocurrency launched in November 2021, emphasizing true decentralization with no presale, premine, VCs, or insider allocations. The network plans to support apps, NFTs, interoperability, and DeFi with native Bitcoin, adhering closely to the Bitcoin ethos through a public bond egalitarian launch.

Unique Tech

Zenon features a dual-ledger system with a meta-DAG for consensus and a block-lattice for transactions. It uses two native coins to maintain equilibrium and plans to implement Narwhal and Tusk for extreme scalability, making transactions feeless* at the layer-1 level.

Anon Team and Decentralization

The anonymous core team has passed control to the community, aligning with Bitcoin principles. Zenon’s decentralization is reinforced by its egalitarian launch and grassroots marketing, ensuring network ownership by the people.

Bitcoin Integration

Zenon plans to leverage the Taproot upgrade and integrate with Bitcoin via merged mining. This aligns with its whitepaper, which envisions a hybrid of PoS and PoW.

Native Coins:

Running a Node:

*Note: Feeless transactions on the base layer may still involve some costs or requirements, such as proof of work or QSR locking.

Step 2: Press Start 2P

This article introduces Zenon’s design for earning rewards through gamification

Step 3: Game Theory for Progressive Decentralisation

Building on the previous article, this piece explains how Zenon’s design encourages decentralization over time.

Step 4: Network Governance

An intro to Zenon governance.

Step 5: 8 Tips For Delegators

This articles helps with decision-making for who to delegate to, explains pillar metrics and other relevant considerations.

Step 6: Welcome To The Multiverse

This piece introduces Zenon’s interoperability features, expanding on its capabilities beyond its own network.

Step 7: 8 Exciting Things Coming To Zenon

The title is self-explanatory!

Step 8: Alien Plans For Bitcoin

A discussion of the roadmap, vision and strategy with specific focus on interoperability & DeFi with native Bitcoin. Is it just a coincidence that Zenon’s mainnet went live a few days after the Taproot upgrade, or that Zenon’s founders signed block 709632 with ASCII art?

Zenon Bitcoin Ascii Art

Step 9: A Blistering Need For Speed

A breakdown of how all of Zenon’s characteristics are optimized for ultra scalability.

Step 10: Why Zenon Is Regulation-Proof

Understanding how Zenon is “regulation proof”.

Step 11: The Zenon Ethos

We are an “awesome and hardcore bunch of retarded, autistic hyenas” with unmatched determination. We are deeply principled, irreverent, autistic, weird as hell and strong. If this sounds like you, join our cause. If you are a moon boy looking for a pump, I wish you luck.

Step 12: A timeline piece

Zenon’s early history as a crypto storybook. This is a comprehensive .pdf that tells the complete Zenon Network Story. It will bring together everything you have learned from the steps above.

Step 13: Fantasy Time

Fact or fiction? Maybe a little of both. Did Vitalik try to kill Zenon when he heard about it? 👇

Step 14: FUD

“The bigger we get, the bigger the FUD will be.”

Additional Resources:

Project Updates

Introduction Articles

Supporting Articles

How To Articles

Zenon Network maintains a community run website at Other community members maintain informational websites about the project, such as and